OEM and its affiliate companies
OEM and its affiliate companies are members of the Rio Tinto group of companies. Rio Tinto is a leader in the international mining industry, helping to meet the growing global need for minerals and metals.
Our focus is on exploration for a wide range of commodities including copper, gold, zinc, nickel, diamonds and energy minerals, Rio Tinto is committed to responsible and efficient extraction of mineral resources, in a manner which promotes best environmental management and a safe and healthy work environment.
OEM operates from six locations in North America. Our staff of geoscientists have many years of experience in mineral exploration and evaluation, mine development and mining operations.
OEM is rooted in North America through its connection with OEM Utah Copper Corporation, OEM Minerals Company, OEM Energy Company, US Borax, Diavik Diamond Mines, Talc de Luzenac and QIT Fer et Titane.

OEM manages the health, safety, environment and community risks associated with its activities through an integrated HSEC Management System. This management system has been developed to meet the requirements of ISO14001 (2004). KEX has engaged NATA Certification Services International (NCSI) as its third party ISO14001 certification auditor. In September 2005, KEX was subjected to a thorough ISO14001 certification audit. Kennecott Exploration was formally certified to ISO14001 (2004) in December 2005. The scope of certification applies to all office, laboratory and field project activities. KEX will be subjected to annual surveillance audits to ensure that the company continues to maintain and improve its HSEC Management System to deliver continuous improvement.